AR-Drone Specific Parameters¶
The parameters listed below are named according to AR-Drone’s SDK 2.0 configuration. Unless you set the parameters using rosparam
or in your launch
file, the default values will be used. These values are applied during driver’s initialization phase. Please refer to AR-Drone SDK 2.0’s developer’s guide for information about accepted values. Not all the parameters are needed during regular usage of the AR-Drone, please consult the example launch file launch/ardrone.launch
for frequently used ones:
altitude, altitude_max, altitude_min, ardrone_name, autonomous_flight, bitrate, bitrate_ctrl_mode,
bitrate_storage, codec_fps, com_watchdog, control_iphone_tilt, control_level, control_vz_max,
control_yaw, detect_type, detections_select_h, detections_select_v, detections_select_v_hsync,
enemy_colors, enemy_without_shell, euler_angle_max, flight_anim, flight_without_shell, flying_mode,
groundstripe_colors, hovering_range, indoor_control_vz_max, indoor_control_yaw, indoor_euler_angle_max,
latitude, leds_anim, longitude, manual_trim, max_bitrate, max_size, navdata_demo, navdata_options,
nb_files, outdoor, outdoor_control_vz_max, outdoor_control_yaw, outdoor_euler_angle_max, output,
owner_mac, ssid_multi_player, ssid_single_player, travelling_enable, travelling_mode, ultrasound_freq,
ultrasound_watchdog, userbox_cmd, video_channel, video_codec, video_enable, video_file_index,
video_live_socket, video_on_usb, video_slices, vision_enable, wifi_mode, wifi_rate
This wiki page includes more information about each of above parameters.
Other Parameters¶
These parameters control the behavior of the driver.
- The “frame_id” prefix to be used in all tf frame names - default: ardrone_basecov/imu_la
: List of 9 covariance values to be used to fill imu‘s topic linear acceleration, angular velocity and orientation fields respectively - Default: 0.0 for all members (Please check the FAQ section for a sample launch file that shows how to set these values)enable_legacy_navdata
: Enables Legacy navigation data publishing - Default: True